Tuesday, May 18, 2021

"Alternatives" Pre-Orders!

The view from my computer desk.

Good morning! It’s shaping up to be a gorgeous day here on the Oregon coast.

Once again, I’ve been neglecting this blog, but I had a good excuse. I received the proof copy of my novel “Alternatives” in January and I’ve spent the months since then painstakingly working my way through edits and revisions. I’ve also been corresponding with my beta-readers to apply their recommended changes to the manuscript.

The good news is that I’m almost ready to release the final edition of the novel into the world. Phew! I’ve been working on this project consistently for nearly two years, so getting so close to the finish line feels like a huge accomplishment.

They always advise writers to “write the story that you want to read”— and that’s exactly what I did. As one of my beta readers told me, this “book is so you”! The novel is soft sci-fi (science fiction without a lot of hard science or “techno-babble”). There’s also a strong romantic story line. Being a “me” book there are quirky characters and lots of pets. I also intentionally incorporated several references to the Oregon coast, sci-fi TV shows and movies, and pop culture. And an acoustic guitar makes a cameo! It’s basically a mash-up of most of my favorite things

Brand new proof copy...

Just a few changes...
Proof copy several months and many edits later...












Now that I’m getting close to the finish line, I’ve created a list of people that would like to pre-order a copy. This will also help me figure out how many copies to order from my publisher. Please message me if you’re interested in purchasing a copy. (Details: paperback, 400 pages; signed by the author; $15 per copy plus shipping).

Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the support!

~ H. S. Contino

PS– Due to the pandemic, I’ll be mailing out the signed copies of my book. I’ll have them available for sale through my Etsy shop, Reprieve’s Corner. Eventually, I’ll be returning to selling books in person at local craft fairs, farmers markets, and book fairs. I’ll also be lining up some book talks– eventually. But, for now, the case numbers in this area are still to high for me to feel safe hosting an indoor event.