Friday, August 23, 2019

Feedback, Please!

Good morning!

I'd love to have everyone's feedback on something.

I created my online Etsy shop, Reprieve's Corner, back in 2011. Personally, I love the name. Reprieve is my favorite word in the English language. As I explain in my shop's "about" section, my logo is a frog taking shelter under a mushroom during a rain shower. I relate the image to the items in my shop since pretty much everything could be given as a gift. They're like my "little moments of reprieve"-- things to cheer someone up or make them smile. Eventually, like the frog, they're going to have to step back out into life's rain shower; but, hopefully,  the items that I sell will help bring them moments of happiness.

The problem is that I'm finding that most people don't understand my concept and they find the name of my business both confusing and hard to remember.

IMG_3206So, I've been thinking about changing the name of my shop. I'd like something catchy and easy to remember. The hard part is finding something that "fits" since I sell a variety of different products. I'm a published author, so I sell my books-- which, like my crafts, cover a variety of topics. And I sell handmade crafts including jewelry, greeting cards, plush toys, hand painted wooden signs, pictures, and magnets. I also recently started making items out of clay (figurines and jewelry components).

The following are some of possible shop names that I'm considering and my concerns about each one. Please feel free to leave a comment on your favorites or add a new suggestion

Hannah's Handmade (although this doesn't completely fit my books)

Contino's Creations (but, I worry that people will have trouble remembering my last name)

Hannah's Creative Corner (too vague?)

Hannah's Hodgepodge (covers the variety, but I worry that it implies that I'm unorganized)

Hannah's Handmade Gifts

... ?

Thanks everyone for your feedback!

Monday, August 19, 2019

A Few Updates!

Good morning!

I always have great intentions when it comes to this blog. I tell myself that I'm going to start posting regularly and that I'll include different types of articles so visitors have something interesting to read. Then life happens, I get busy, and my poor blog sits mostly neglected in a dusty corner of the internet...

Part of the reason why I don't post very often is that I created this blog to promote my little writing career. But, while I continue to practice writing and create new writing projects, I haven't done much actual publishing lately. And, I don't usually share my works-in-progress since they still need a ton of editing and refining before they're ready for public consumption.

So, I figured that I'd take a few minutes this morning to fill my followers in on what's been keeping me busy this summer.

H's Summer Updates:

1) Camp NaNoWriMo

Congratulations-Wrimo April 2019

I really enjoy the NaNoWriMo writing challenges (! I spent the month of July creating the rough draft of a new novel. I'm tentatively calling it "An Unreasonable Proposal," and it's my first attempt at a "mainstream" story-line in a few years (most of the ideas that I've had over the past few years have been either related to local history or science-fiction).

The basic plot of "An Unreasonable Proposal" is that a woman named Celine ("Cee Cee") Alexander gets a call out of the blue from her ex-husband, Brad Wilson. It's been twelve years since their divorce, and they've had zero contact with each other for most of that time. However, when Brad calls he offers her a bizarre proposal: he asks Cee Cee to re-marry him. It turns out that Brad was recently widowed and needs someone to watch his three young children while he's gone on a six month deployment in the Army. Calling your ex-wife to ask her to babysit would be a strange move for most people. However, Cee Cee knows that her ex grew up in foster care and has no extended family. He claims that the children's mother came from a similar background, so he has no one else to asks. He also knows that his ex-wife is a softie-- give her a sob story and she'll help out anyone. Even knowing that Brad is manipulating her compassionate nature, Cee Cee considers helping him.

There's a bit more to the story and there are several plot twists, but you get the gist. I'm happy to report that I met my July word goal, and I've got most of the rough draft of the novel finished. I'm now letting the story "percolate" before I roll up my sleeves and start editing!

2) Crafting

As most of my blog followers know, I do a lot of crafting in addition to my writing. Since I only have four published books (so far!), my booth at local farmers markets and festivals would look pretty empty if I just brought my books to sell. So, for years, I've taken advantage of my passion for making small crafts.

IMG_3335[1]Like my writing, where I like to experiment with different genres and writing styles, I make a variety of handmade crafts including jewelry, hand painted signs, magnets, sewn items (mostly pillows and plush toys), etc. I've even tried baking homemade dog and cat treats to sell.

I often describe my booth, which I set up under the name of my home-based business "Reprieve's Corner," as my "hodgepodge" since it reflects my passion for trying new things and learning new skills.

Over the past few weeks, I've been working hard on a new batch of handmade jewelry, hand painted wooden signs, and hand painted wooden magnets. I've been having fun using scrapbook stickers and wood cuts as decorative elements.

I also recently purchased the materials to try something completely new: clay. In the past, I've purchased pre-made beads and pendants and then gone from there. However, I would like to try my hand at making my own beads, pendants, and focal pieces out of clay. I also plan on trying to make clay figurines. Some of these will be large enough to be desktop/table decorations. But, I also want to make some that will be small enough to fit on earrings or to be focal pieces for the necklaces that I make.

The only catch is that the last time I worked with clay, I was in elementary school and I don't own a kiln. So, librarian that I am (by day), I've checked out several books to study up on clay art. I also intentionally purchased clay that air dries (and doesn't require baking). If my experiments go well then I'll look into purchasing a kiln in the future (although they're pricey!).

I'll share pictures once I roll up my sleeves and start playing with the clay! I'm excited to see what I can come up with!

Oh, I almost forgot-- Etsy is encouraging shops to offer free shipping on domestic orders of $35 or more. So, I've signed up to be part of the promotion. I've also discounted several of my older craft pieces to make room for the new items that I'm in the process of making.

Please, feel free to check out my online Etsy shop, Reprieve's Corner (

3) Markets

Coos Bay Farmers Market--

cb farmers marketThroughout the summer, I've been setting up my booth every Wednesday at the Coos Bay Farmers Market. I've also been squeezing in a few less regular markets including the Green Acres Grange sales (which tend to be every other month or so). Technically, the Coos Bay Farmers Market runs from May through October. But, I know from past experience that the chance of rain during the first and last month is 50/50-- and I don't like risking my books getting wet. So, I usually skip May and October. This summer, I've only committed through the end of August-- which means that I just have two weeks left at the market.

Florence Festival of Books--
florence festival of books
I'm a big fan of this annual book fair which is held at the Florence Events Center on the last Saturday in September. It seems like every year the event grows and includes more authors and publishers.
This year, the event will be on Saturday, September 28th from 10 am until 4 pm. I've already reserved my booth. I hope to see you there!

Well, that pretty much catches you up on my summer 2019 creative exploits! I've said it before, but I really love summers on the southern Oregon coastline. We are so blessed-- from the mild temperatures to the abundance of natural beauty. There's just something about the gorgeous summer weather that makes me want to pursue my creative outlets-- including both my writing and crafting.

I hope that, wherever you are, you're also enjoying that last few weeks of summer. Please, feel free to leave a comment on this blog about your summer adventures.

As always, thanks for taking the time to read this blog post. Your support of my writing and my little crafting business means the world to me!

~ H. S. Contino

Monday, July 8, 2019

July is Camp NaNoWriMo!

As my regular followers know, I'm a big fan of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). The big event is every November. For those of you that are unfamiliar with it, the basic idea is that writers across the globe decide to accept the challenge of writing the rough draft of a novel within the 30 days Of November with a minimum goal of 50,000 words.

Considering the fact that November is also home to Thanksgiving and most people are gearing up for the upcoming holiday season, it's a bit nuts. (LOL) It's also a lot of fun. Personally, I get much more work done when I'm under a deadline. For instance, when I have a signed book contract that clearly states that I need to complete different parts of the project by certain set dates. I'm good at coming up with story ideas and starting novels, I'm just not very good at actually finishing writing them. So, NaNoWriMo is a great help for me.

Once you sign up and commit to writing your novel on the NaNoWriMo webpage (, you can introduce yourself to your fellow writers, read pep talks and other helpful articles about writing (they even get celebrity writers to write guest posts), and the web page provides a word tracker and graph to help you stay on track to meet your word goal.

I first read about NaNoWriMo on a writing blog (sorry, but I've forgotten which one!) back in 2009 or 2010. I loved the concept, but at the time I was hard at work researching and writing Shipwrecks of Coos County (which was published by Arcadia Publishing in 2011). So, I wasn't able to participate for the first time until November 2011. My first project was a quirky story where the reader got to choose what the main character did next. It was a lot of fun to write, but it was tricky keeping track of all of the options and mini story lines. I compared it to writing a spiderweb. I was thrilled when I met my word goal before the deadline. Woo-hoo!

I called the novel "Crossroads" and later self-published it. Unfortunately, I later learned that the term "choose your own adventure" was copyrighted. I had read some of those types of stories as a child, and I honestly just thought that the term described the genre. Oops! I was asked to either pull the book or make changes. I initially changed the phrasing to describe the book as something along the lines of a "multiple choice story," but the powers that be weren't satisfied. So, I pulled the book from publication. It was a fun project, but it wasn't my best writing (I was sure that I could do better). It was discouraging, but I was okay with the outcome.

Since 2011, I became a regular NaNoWriMo participant. I wrote novels every November through 2016. Then in 2017 I had some family issues come up which didn't leave me with enough time to write, so I didn't participate. I tried again in 2018, but my heart just wasn't in my project, so I withdrew from participating after about a week.

In between, I learned that NaNoWriMo also hosts "Camp NaNoWriMo" a few times a year. What I like about camp is that it's much more laid back. Instead of everyone setting the ambitious goal of writing a full 50,000 words, writers are given the option of choosing what project they would like to work on. You can write something new, edit an existing manuscript, or simply set a time goal (how much time you would like to spend on your writing project that month).

Camp NaNoWriMo is held in April and July each year.

Phew! That was a lot of back story-- all to get to today's announcement: I'm participating in this month's Camp NaNoWriMo! I love writing, but I've faced several set backs in my personal life over the past few years. These challenges have shaken my confidence as a writer-- which has led to me spending less time writing. I felt like Camp NaNoWriMo was the perfect opportunity for me to "get back in the saddle" and try to jump start my creative writing.

The project that I'm working on this month is a mainstream fiction novel. I'm tentatively calling it "An Unreasonable Proposal." The basic premise is that the main character gets a call from her ex-husband, twelve years after their divorce. He asks her to do him a really big favor-- an unreasonably big favor. The ultimate question is whether or not she should do it. She knows that she doesn't owe him anything, but there are other people involved-- and she's a softie.

I don't want to give anything away (especially since at this point the story is still subject to major changes), but midway through the story there will be a huge twist.

My word station mid-writing project.
I'm thrilled to be able to say that so far it's working. Camp NaNoWriMo (along with my word goal and deadline) have provided me with the motivation that I needed. It's day #8 of the challenge, and I've already written the first 17,409 words. I'm on track to meet my goals!

If anyone else is interested in participating, I go by the nickname "Reprieve26" on both the Camp NaNoWriMo ( and NaNoWriMo ( webpages. Feel free to look me up and add me as a writing buddy. Together, we can help motivate each other to keep writing!

Thanks for reading!

~ H. S. Contino

Monday, June 24, 2019

Welcome to Summer!

Good morning!   

I don't know about you, but I'm so happy that summer has finally arrived on the southern Oregon coast. I LOVE this time of year! We're so fortunate to have mostly mild weather. In the summer, it gets warmer-- but, rarely too hot-- and the heat is usually accompanied by coastal "breezes" (read: gusts). The result is several months of the year where I can open all of the windows in my house most days to let in the fresh air.

IMG_1391 Mingus Park

Now that the summer weather has arrived, I've been busy lining up lots of markets. Most of them will be outdoors, but I've been trying to include a few indoor ones as well (to give me a break from fighting the coastal winds-- we have a love/hate relationship! I love that the winds keep the temperature regulated, but the same winds also like to try to topple my market canopy and blow my merchandise off my tables!).

Coos Bay Farmers Market

When: every Wednesday from 9 am until 2 pm

Where: Central Avenue in Coos Bay (the market spreads out for a full 3 blocks!)

My booth is on the first block (closest to the Visitor Center). I'm currently sandwiched between "Cindy Yi's Radish Kimchi" and "Top Your Nosh" pepper relish. Both of my neighbors give out free samples!

Green Acres Grange Sale

When: Friday- Saturday, July 12th-13th from 9 am until 4 pm

Where: Green Acres Grange Hall (off Highway 42, roughly halfway between Coos Bay and Coquille)

The Green Acres Grange hosts several sales throughout the year. It's a great mix of handmade items sold by small businesses (like my "Reprieve's Corner) and people selling second hand items. They also have a small kitchen that sells affordable lunch items including burgers, fries, and soup.

I'll definitely have two tables set up there all day on Friday. One table will contain my books and handmade crafts. The other table will have second hand items. I might be able to do a half day on Saturday, but I need to be back in Coos Bay before the market is over in order to work the closing shift at the Coos Bay Public Library.

Port Orford Street Fair

When: Saturday, August 10th from 11 am until 5 pm

Where: Port Orford-- between Highway 101 & 8th Street

This will be my first time setting up a booth at this market. According to their webpage, it's an annual event which will include a variety of entertainment and activities including market booths, food, live music, chalk art, face painting, and belly dancers. Please, come check it out!

Other News

In addition to lining up markets, I've been spending a lot of time making new inventory which I've been slowly listing online. I made too much jewelry, so I've been discounting most of my older work both online in my Etsy shop and in my booth at local markets. I have the jewelry discounted between 25-60% off in my etsy shop, Reprieve's Corner. Most of the discounts are scheduled to end on July 5th, 2019 (although I may extend the deadline).


As always, thank you for taking the time to read this blog post and for supporting my little home-based crafting business and my writing career. Your support means a great deal to me. Thank you!

Happy summer!

~ H. S. Contino

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Spring Fling Sale!

In honor of the beautiful sunny weather that we've been having lately (fingers crossed that the good weather sticks around!), I'm having a big sale in my Etsy shop, Reprieve's Corner.

Save 50% off all of the crafts and craft supplies (excludes books)!
