Sunday, January 24, 2021

Now available: "Alternatives: A Ghenesain Chronicles" Novel!

 Good morning!

Well, it's official! My latest novel, "Alternatives" is available as both a print book and a Kindle e-book through Amazon. As I discussed in previous posts, I decided to release a "Beta Reader" edition in order to receive some reader feedback before I make the final edits to the manuscript.

In the meantime, I've moved on to another writing project. I went through an incredibly creative period during late 2019. I wrote the rough drafts to what became "Alternatives" and another novel that I'm tentatively calling "This Forgotten Life" back to back over a 2 1/2 month period. (although, I had been "percolating" on the story lines for several months prior to sitting down and putting words to paper).

I printed out the second manuscript and began editing it the day after I submitted the "Alternatives" manuscript to Amazon. I've been cringing a lot as I re-read my very rough draft, but the story has potential. It took me a year and a half of continual editing and polishing to get "Alternatives" to the point where I was ready to share it with readers. I suspect it's going to take a while to do the same to "This Forgotten Life"-- although this manuscript is about 100 pages shorter which should speed up the process.

Without further ado, "Alternatives" is available at the following links:

Print edition ($14.99)

Kindle edition ($4.99; free for Amazon's Kindle Unlimited subscribers)

Amazon also allows people to read a sample before purchasing a book. Simply click on the "Look Inside" link. I checked it out and it allows you to read the entire prologue and a good chunk of the first chapter.

And to (hopefully) tempt you to read the book:

According to theory, there are countless versions of reality running in parallel with each other. What if you were given a glimpse into your alternative lives? What version of yourself would you see? How would it effect your future decisions?

Francis Marino's quiet life on the Oregon coast was interrupted when two military officers showed up on her doorstep with a bizarre story and urged her to come with them. Curious-- and figuring that she had nothing to lose-- she agreed. Thus began an unexpected adventure that forced her to leave her comfort zone and confront many of her beliefs about the world we live in.

As the commander of a highly classified military facility, Colonel Dominic Davis was dedicated to his job. But, after being exposed to an alien device, he is given visions of two alternative realities. Dom realizes that he needs to make changes-- both personal and professional.

Life on Earth hangs in the balance...


Happy reading!

~ H. S. Contino

PS-- I made some tweaks to the cover of the print edition since my last post. I intentionally used a different color font on the cover of the e-book in order to make it easier to tell them apart.

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