Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Year, New Projects

Happy New Year! Here's hoping we can all have a lucky '13!
I'm happy to report that I've been hard at work on a new project. I'm in the process of editing a manuscript that I'm calling "Paw Prints." It's a collection of touching and funny pet stories. Most of the stories come from my personal experience but I've also invited several friends and family members to contribute stories of their own.
"Paw Prints" is a laid back collection of stories. My goal is to write the stories as if I'm sitting down having a conversation with someone. I've had animals my whole life and I can't ever imagine a time when I wouldn't have at least one pet sharing my home with me. The animals have been a constant source of companionship, amusement, and (at times) exasperation. There are funny stories, sad ones, and stories that are "stranger than fiction."
Although the majority of the stories are about cats and dogs (my two favorite pets), there are also stories about pet snakes (my brother's), horses (my mother's), tarantulas (which we caught as children living in Arizona), and more!
At the moment, my plan is to self-publish the book through a print-on-demand publisher. I'm hoping to publish the book by March. I divide my time between writing and crafting (www.etsy.com/etsy/ReprievesCorner). The craft fair and festival season begins in April, so I'm hoping to have "Paw Prints" already published so I can bring copies of it with me to the Farmer's Market and other events to sell.
Since the stories are focused on pets and animals, I've decided to donate a portion of the sale of each book to one of the local non-profit organizations, Pacific Cove Humane Society. Although they're a small group, their devoted volunteers work hard to find homes for animals. They also provide vaccinations, low cost spaying/neutering, and foster homes for animals that need rehabilitation. It's a great organization. To find out more, please visit their webpage: www.PacificCove.org.
Well, I'll keep everyone posted. I'm really looking forward to hearing the feedback on "Paw Prints" once it's published!

The cats doing their best to prevent me from working-- they're sprawled across my desk chair. ;)

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