Friday, January 25, 2013

"Paw Prints" Available Soon!


I'm thrilled to announce that my latest book will be available for sale soon. I've submitted the final draft to the publisher. I'm just waiting for the proof to arrive so I can do one final read through. I'll have one last chance to catch any sneaky typos or other mistakes. After that I'll be able to release the book into the world. Yea!

My latest project is called "Paw Prints." It's a collection of short stories about pets and animals that either myself, my friends, or my family members have known over the years. I've included quite a menagerie. There are cats, dogs, guinea pigs, fish, horses, a donkey, a goose, goats, crabs, a rooster, crayfish, and even a chimpanzee-- just to name a few! The stories are as diverse as their subjects. There are funny stories, sad ones, and a few that are "stranger than fiction."

For fun, I invited a few friends and family members to contribute stories to the collection. I'm happy to announce that Debbie Newman, Brenda Salzano, and Mindy Mallory-Newman chose to participate. Their contributions help to add depth, diversity, and a different perspective to the stories in the book. Thank you all for participating!

The Kindle version of the book should be available by the end of the week. The print version will take a little bit longer. I'm hoping to have both on the market prior to Valentine's Day. I'll be sure to update this blog as soon as I have more details.

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